Astounding Remix!
I wasn't going to review this, because to be honest 600 reviews is quite enough. :P But I finally gave in. So here's my review.
I think you did an excellent job on this, there's no debating that. The intro really caught my attention with the choir, and the piano sounded superb. The synthy voice kinda bugs me because I can't tell if it's meant to be male or female, but it still sounds great.
The synth that pops in at :55 seconds sounds a little different rhythmically, but that just adds some character so it's all fine and dandy. :)
When the guitar comes in, I thought it was a little too harsh for my taste. I get used to it... I guess I'm just not used to this type of power. When the guitar picks up the melody, I like how that sounds.
I like the way you bring back everything for it's moment in the sun sometime in the song. I don't like it when I can't hear all the elements, and you really did a nice job bringing them out. Overall, a very nice job with everything. I liked the ambience with the choir, and the instruments flowed and complimented each other well. Just the style I've learned to expect from you. Keep up the good work!
In the small chance there is of you reading this, what is this piano sound?